#12 Round Shader Dynasty Membrane Cartridges
#12 Round Shader Membrane Tattoo Needle Cartridges | Dynasty
These Round Shaders are made with long tapers (3.0mm) like our Round Magnum needles. Use these cartridges to pack color, small details and buttoning up your piece.
With almost 20 years of experience producing high-quality tattoo needles and needle cartridges, we have developed our finest product yet.
Dynasty Membrane Cartridges, produced with Needlejig needles, in a clear high-density housing with the perfect tension and added protection of a membrane. (no more back-flow concerns)
20 pieces per box
If you want to get samples please click here
To clarify how we label our needles, this grouping will read; 1205RS 1208RS 1211RS 1214RS